Principal's Message


As Horace Mann said, “A human being is not in any proper sense, a human being, until he is educated”. Pushpa English Medium School sets its objective of education to prepare the young ones to educate themselves throughout their lives, to become responsible and successful human beings. We fill enthusiasm in our children, without which nothing great will ever achieve to be bright intellectually, upright morally, mature emotionally, integrated psychologically, informed socially and enlightened spiritually. We strive to help the children to discover that they are master gardener of their lives and the sole director of their future. We train them to be calm in adversity, happy when they are alone, just in all dealings and rational and sane in all affairs of life.

The school aims at the holistic development of the students to be happy individuals in society and responsible citizens of the nation. Each student is looked upon as a precious pearl entrusted to our care. We bring out children of intelligence and character for the society which is the true goal of every education. We assist them to discover and face the truth of life by which they will be exalted to the world of joy, peace and freedom. We let the truth to let them free.

We epitomize our very motto –“THAMSOMA JYOTIR GAMAYA”
leading children from the darkness of all kinds of ignorance into the light of Wisdom.

Principal Name